Monday, March 30, 2009
Friends & Family Showcase!

Sunday, March 29, 2009
"You told us to bring it...well here it is!" - AU Cheer Sophomore, Lauren
Looking ahead to next year, which is hard to do since nationals is really the only thing on all of our minds, I think we will be able to build our program even further. Nationals is only the start of what we are capable of doing and I’m excited to be sticking around for another two years to find out where AU Spirit is headed.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I've Got A Fever!! - AUDT Sophomore, Katie

It seems like yesterday that I sat with the five other AUDT vets in Daytona, Florida. Watching the incredible dancing, we sat in awe of the idea that we could quite possibly be dancing on that very same stage next year. We were hooked! We returned to AU thrilled for tryouts and determined to create a strong team dedicated to a common goal.
After spring tryouts, we added two new members to our team. In August, the eight of us attended a UDA camp to strengthen our skills and our team bond. After fall tryouts, we gained five more beautiful dancers, and the fun began. The thirteen of us have become inseparable.
We spend every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday preparing for nationals. With basketball games over, we’ve been able to focus solely on our routine, dedicating every second of our time, in and out of practice, to reviewing and perfecting the routine as well as working out, watching our diet, and getting plenty of sleep to keep up with our intense schedule. But it’s all been worth it! With the help and guidance of our fabulous coach Alex, we are getting closer and closer to reaching our goal.

With the end in sight, I couldn’t be more proud of this team. I feel truly honored to be a part of this wonderful experience. We’ve come so far, worked so hard, and already accomplished so much over the past two years—it’s truly incredible.
Congratulations DT … It’s dance time!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Daytona Dream- AU Cheer Freshman, Lindsay
It feels like time has gone so fast! It is hard for me to even imagine that two weeks from today I will be in Daytona Beach, Florida preparing to compete in my first college cheerleading nationals. It didn’t hit me until last Sunday's practice when my coach, Brett, said that in one week we would perform the routine for all of our friends and family and that in almost two weeks we would be in Daytona. At that moment I realized that everything have worked towards for the past year is coming to a close.

When I am in Daytona it will be almost a year to the day since I was at spring tryouts. Coming in as a senior in high school was daunting. I still remember the drive down from New York with my parents and leaving them in Bender Arena after they signed me in since I was only 17. The idea that competing was their top goal did not make the nerves much better but did heighten my excitement once I made the team.
Everyone who tried out in spring went to the UCA/UDA camp the first week in April. We bonded so much as a team but those were probably the hardest four days of my life not only physically, but also mentally. Our bodies ached, frustration boiled and tears flowed all throughout that trip but we worked hard and most of all stuck together. It is that mentality that has stuck with us ever since. Now I can look back on that week and see just how far we have come!
American is such an amazing place but the AU Sprit program is without a doubt my favorite part of college. I can’t even imagine, and honestly don’t even want to think of, what my life would be without cheer. Coming to my first day of college and already knowing so many freshman and upperclassman made the transition so much easier. These girls are my some of my best friends and it makes living away from home for the first time much easier when you know that there is always someone there for you. For the past eight months we have been in school all of the girls in this program have worked so hard to get to where we are today.

It was also exciting for us that for the second time in a row our men’s basketball team made it to the NCAA tournament in Philadelphia! I was so proud to be one of the twelve cheerleaders on the sidelines! Entering the Wachovia Center for the first time was a moment I will remember for the rest of my life. There were so many people and I could even see some of my fellow cheerleaders and dancers in the sea of blue and red that made up our crowd. It was such an amazing battle against Villanova and, although we did not win, we certainly ended our season with a bang!
Both the cheer and dance teams have worked so hard all year. However with out the help of Alex, Brett, family and friends there is no way that going to Nationals would even be possible. They have all made sure that we were ready for the 2:19 minute routine to show everyone what we can do. This was the best freshman year I could have dreamed of and I can’t wait to continue next year.
Wish us luck in Daytona!
Do it NOW! Two weeks till Nationals! - AUDT Freshman, Kelsey

It seems as if it was just yesterday I sat on the floor of Bender Arena (a place I would soon call home) at spring tryouts in April 2008, and listened to Alex, our coach, talk about the team's goals, including traveling to Florida to compete nationally! I would be lying if I said that the AU Spirit program didn't influence my decision to come to American University!
Dance has always been a huge part of my life, and I was so excited to start my college career this past fall on the American University Dance Team. Coming from a high school where the dance and cheer teams weren't as appreciated as they should have been, it was amazing to come to a college where both the cheer and dance teams had such high aspirations and the drive to achieve their goals.
One of the things I love about our program is the camaraderie between the cheer and dance teams. We are all under one program: AU Spirit, and we worked together all year to fund raise so that we would be able to cover some or all of our costs to make our big trip to Daytona! We attended every practice, basketball game, and fundraiser together, and even collaborated to put together a dance and cheer halftime show for some of the basketball games.

As my first year as a part of the American University Dance Team is quickly coming to an exciting close, I realize that the blood, sweat, sore muscles, and often times tears were all worth it for the couple minutes we get to run out onto the basketball court at Bender Arena and do what we do best; dance!
I couldn't have asked for a better first year on dance team. As most of you probably know, our men's basketball team won the Patriot League Championship for the second year in a row, which secured them a place in the NCAA tournament.

My dance team experience wouldn't have been the same without the girls on the team. I love everyone of them as if they were my sister. While most college freshmen find a good group of friends during their first year in college, I have been lucky enough to find a family :)
As of today's 7 am practice, AUDT only has TEN more practices left before we go to nationals and we can't wait! I want to thank all of our friends and family for their constant support, and especially Alex and Brett for whipping us into shape and for always pushing us to be the best we can be.
Wish us luck in Daytona!
I have one question for you AU Spirit...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Work it Baby! Our Quest for Nationals 2009 - Joanna, Cheer Captain
I am now a little relieved to be able to focus solely on our nationals routine. When we prepare routines for games and pep rallies, there is always that pressure among all of us to hit our stunts and look good but this time it’s different. The stakes are higher. We are for the first time, representing American University and our cheerleading and dance program on a national level (no pressure).
Both cheer and dance teams have spent countless hours practicing and fundraising towards our $40,000 goal to compete. It is astonishing how costly it is to compete but we know the hard work both fundraising and practice will be all worth it! Anything we were not able to raise had to come out of our pockets. Some of the girls were lucky enough to have the help of their parents but for some of us, we worked and saved up to compete. Some of the fundraisers we have had included: outside donations from family, friends, and alums (huge thanks!), working and staffing local cheerleading and dance competitions, hosting our very own dance invitational (thanks mom aka our dance coach Alex!), carwashes (we are praying for warmer weather in these upcoming weeks so stay tuned and get your car washed!), Z-Burger (twice), Shopmamie.com, Pizza Uno Chicago Grill in both Georgetown and Bethesda and some appearances and gigs. Like the dance team, we had to purchase aesthetic/girly stuff- a new white undergarment, bows, makeup, tanning, hair stuff (rollers and fake hair- chels is hooking me up with a weave haha) and it all adds up to look good! (and completely normal in competitive cheer I might add) We are hoping to have a little makeup party next weekend to bond and kick back while playing with makeup to make sure our girls perfect their nationals look!
With the close of the basketball season, it is time for cheer to get back to business and focus on our HUGE national competition! Time has officially started ticking for Nationals 2009 and now its crunch time! More than ever (as there was all year) there is a mounting amount of pressure on the girls to stay in shape, eat right, and rehab our aches and pains. Our bodies are machines-- little cheerleading machines. We eat, sleep, cheer! No time for drama, no time for injuries, no time for weakness- we are cheerleaders and we all have to push through it! It is hard at times but the support of my teammates and working towards a common goal help motivate me. I like to picture us on that mat- “bringing it” and walking off proud with our heads held high- that is all I want (although top 5 would be fantastic- and that comes with hard work!); that is what motivates me.
I have come to have such great respect for my teammates. They have learned to prioritize school, outside commitments, and cheerleading and I could not have been more proud of them. They have certainly grown and matured since they first walked into practice at the beginning og the year. We have all sacrificed something to be able to compete. I never understood why some people claim that cheer is not a sport or claim what we do is easy. They judge by what they see; the cuteness, the skirt, the makeup. Of course, we look cute at games and make whatever we do look easy, but that’s the point. Michael Jordan slam dunks and makes it look easy. If it was easy, everyone would be able to do it and he wouldn’t be THE Air Jordan! (it’s the point I’m making here, work with me). Cheerleading is a performance sport. When we compete, we have one shot to perform our 2:20 minute routine. Period. Months and months of practice and stress, bandages, bruises, sweat (buckets), blood, tears will all amount to those roughly 2 minutes. But you get what you put in. Fighting the sweat, pain, blood is worth it because it is what makes us stronger- that is what I live for. Why, you wonder? Because of the love of the sport! Why else would huge football players run into each other over a ball? Why would any other athlete put their body at that risk and through strain? The love of the sport! (at least I would hope) I especially love proving people wrong. As for our girls, you should see how many times our girls have gotten taken down in practice and have gotten right back up. You should see how these girls put themselves on the line for each other. That is the heart of a true athlete and a true teammate!
Everyone constantly asking about nationals and being really interested in seeing us is a great feeling, and knowing our peers are behind us in addition to each other and our coaches is comforting as well. Many times amidst my crazy (cheer) moments of life, it’s great to stop and reflect on my four years here involved with the program. I do not think the younger girls understand how far the program has evolved or how important our endeavors are for the future. I have seen firsthand how far the squad and the program has evolved from pretty much nothing (when I tried out and began my freshman year, there was pretty much no program- long story) to set to appear on a national level. Its our hard work and dedication that makes the program bigger and better for the next generation of cheerleaders and dancers to come!
This is for you AU! Go Eagles!
March MADNESS for AU Cheer! – Joanna, AU Cheerleading Captain

Last week 12 of our girls, myself included, out of 20 team members were lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel to Philadelphia, PA to cheer for our men’s basketball team in their second NCAA appearance. We all met last Wednesday evening to board the bus to Philly. Once we arrived and were checked in our hotel, we all got together in Kelsea’s, our co-captain, and my room to make posters for the guys intended to keep their morale up and know that we support them on and off the court. The next morning, we woke up for a little practice and stroll around Philly. Our coach insisted we head straight to the Philadelphia Museum of Art also known as the “Rocky Steps.”

When it became painstakingly obvious that our dream had faded away, I sat there in the last minute of the game taking in my surroundings and reflecting on my past four years as a cheerleader for these guys. I admit I tried so hard to fight back the tears as I became a little nostalgic (I guess I get a little too emotionally invested in my teams) with the realization it could be the last game of my cheerleading career (I am trying so hard to stay for another year-I don’t want to leave and constantly tell my coach and professors they will need a crane to get me out of this place haha). Aside from being a little depressed having my hopes shot down and seeing some of the guys cry at the buzzer, I lost it. I had been cheering for these guys since I was a freshman and could see how they have transformed their program, athletics, the university and the country. This year, there was no “American? Where’s that?” compared to last year. These boys have helped put AU on the map-- and for that and all of their hard work, I could not have been prouder of them. Having had the opportunity to cheer at both NCAA appearances meant so much to me and will be cherished moments in my heart forever.

Ready to Rock - AU Cheer Co-Captain, Kelsea

In only 2 short weeks we will be getting ready to go to Daytona Florida to show the nation that AU Cheer and Dance has what it takes!
The journey has not been easy; it has taken a great deal of hard work and dedication, however, I know it will all be worth it as soon as we step out onto that mat on April 9th!

These next 2 weeks are definitely going to be the hardest yet, but with the support of our teammates and coaches I know we will make it through, perfect our routines, and be ready to rock!
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Nationals Lifestyle - AUDT Co-Captain, Taryn

Now that that fun distraction is over, however, it’s down to business. Like Christina said, getting our Nationals routine ready is taking a lot out of us, physically and emotionally. That’s because preparing for Nationals involves more than just a lot of practice (and I mean A LOT); preparing for Nationals is a lifestyle. We eat, sleep and breathe it. Literally.

Post from AUDT Captain, Christina
Right now, the team is going through a ton of different emotions. We are excited, nervous, and exhausted! We constantly support each other and encourage ourselves to keep going because we know that Nationals is 100% worth all the time and energy.
We look forward to representing AU on another national level and hope that people begin to recognize our program for hard work and effort we put fourth.
The next 2 weeks are going to be difficult and exhausting, but we welcome the challenge and are ready to go!