“Ok DT. It’s time to SHAKE IT UP!” These are words we hear before every performance. They motivate our team to try a little harder, leap a little higher and sweat a little more to reach our potential. I am honored to be a part of a group of such hard-working, dedicated women. We’ve already accomplished so much this year.
We’ve performed 5 different routines, including our taping routine that will allow us to qualify for NDA Nationals, and additionally, we learned the hip hop segment of our Nationals routine that we will be performing on the glorious stage in Daytona.
All of these accomplishments make me proud to be a member of the American University Dance Team.
Yet, to me, these women are more than just a team.
They are my family.
In the midst of the holiday season, I appreciate our bond the most. My home is on the other side of the country, in California, but because of the warmth, kindness and friendship that these girls show me, I have found a new home at AU.
Well, specifically, a home in Bender Arena.
Through all of the goods times and the bad, our family is there, and my experience at college has been so much more rewarding because of these amazing women.

This holiday season has been an exciting one for AUDT. We recently performed a holiday routine at half time and we have our very own “Santa” on the team, who sings a Bender theme song. In the coming months, we look forward to a reunited family, as our beloved Taryn and Nicole will be returning to us. We look forward to next semester’s preparation for Nationals 2010. It will be a lot of hard work, early mornings, sweaty backs, cherry 735 lipstick, and two-a-days, but our family makes every morning practice worth it.
I love you all and happy holidays!