2009 Holiday Routine
Monday, December 21, 2009
Dance Team Holiday Routine
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Celebrating the Holidays with AU Spirit! - AU Cheer Sophomore, Michaela

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Home and the Holidays - AUDT Sophomore, Sophie

Monday, November 23, 2009
This Team of Ours - AU Cheer Sophomore, Chelsea
AU CHEERLEADING?!? Anyone who knows us realizes that finding a team like ours is like nailing jello to a tree...impossible. Each person contributes a unique element that I love! A Kodak can't capture what goes on with the team. There is no way to show the fearlessness, mental, and the physical endeavor.
How HIGH?!? Its good to know that what we do at American University will set the standard for the levels of difficulty in future squads. Going to Florida for Nationals adds this competitive edge that people don't normally see on the court. After Nationals 2009, we have only come back setting the bar higher as to what we see as perfection. As a sophomore, I can't wait to go back stronger and more ready for that national title. It will be hard, but this team has shown that hard work goes a long way, and a little added fun goes longer. :]]
"ggggGGGGGGooooo000000OOOOOOOOOOO" ...Love you guys.
Monday, November 16, 2009
You Better Work! Men's Home Opener- AUDT Senior (Captain), Jackie

Here's our routine from tonight choreographed by members of AUDT!
American Madness 2009 Performances
Check out our performances from American Madness on Wednesday!
American University Fight Song
American University Cheer & Dance Teams (with Men's Basketball freshmen)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
American Madness - Freshman Cheerleader, Heather McLaughlin
I've been competing nationally for years, and I don't think I've ever been as nervous as I was Wednesday night! We spent hours working, bleeding, sweating, crying, pushing through injuries, and trying not to throw up on the mat getting ready for American Madness. I think all of that hard work seriously paid off though; everyone keeps telling me how great we were and that we were entertaining ... Finally, people are starting to recognize us. :) I don't think I could've asked for a better team to spend every waking hour with lol. Pretty much being injured within the first two days of practice and earning myself the nickname of "Cripp" takes some serious skill and is beyond funny. Needless to say, I'm accident prone ... we might want to think about wrapping me in bubble wrap before pracitce from now on. I am beyond greatful that the team has helped me through everything that I've had to deal with so far this year. I couldn't have done it without you guys. You rock my socks!!! hahaha. Can't wait for NATIONALS! :D
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
American Madness is TONIGHT!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Support AU Spirit at Z-Burger!
We are working our way towards competing in Daytona Beach, Fl. at the NDA/NCA National Collegiate Chapionships for the second time and we could really use some help raising money for entrance fees, uniforms, and transportation!
Invite all of your friends, grab a burger and shake, and hang out with AU Spirit!
We hope to see you there!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Fall Time Photo Shoot
Dance Team Co-Captain, Katie Stoner, and Captain, Jaclyn Hogrebe
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Meet Our New Team!
Ali Torzolini - Freshman
Clay Pencek - Junior
Elizabeth Wilke - Freshman
Jaim Coddington - Freshman
Justin Berger - Junior
Abby Masenheimer - Freshman
Gabrielle Ciccotti - Junior
Kelsey Yonce - Freshman
Lyndsey Grubbs - Freshman
Nicole Talor - Freshman
We are so excited to welcome these new and talented men and women to our program! Congratulations to you all!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Our Season Has Officially Started!
The Cheerleaders have been hard at work too. They came back to campus on August 8th to begin their preseason training and have been doing great!
Coming up, AU Spirit will take part in our third annual tradition of moving in freshman to their dorms. We love seeing the excited faces and enjoy helping to make the freshman's first official day on campus a spirited one. In addition to our practices, we'll also be holding two carwashes to kick off our fundraising efforts for the 2009-2010 season. After a great first year at Nationals in April, we can't wait to go back, but need all the fundraising support we can get! More information on the location and times of these carwashes to come.
Perhaps what we're most excited for though is our fall tryouts. On August 28, 29, and 30 we'll be holding tryouts for the 2009-2010 team. We've had some great interest, and can't wait to meet our newest members! Good luck to all trying out!

Here we are with some of the George Washington Dance Team members ... we love D.C., and we represented it well!
And here's our home routine! Great job, ladies!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Looking Back on 08-09, and Looking Forward to 09-10
We had a chance to show this video to the team right before our spring tryouts. It was a great way to remember our season, and get pumped for the 2009-2010 season that is right around the corner. We are so proud of our teams and all they have accomplished in such a short period of time and we can't wait to see what next year will have in store for us all.
We hope you all have wonderful, relaxing, and safe summers and we can't wait to see you in August!
Brett, Nate, Jay, and Alex
Monday, May 4, 2009
2009 Fall Tryout Date Announced!

Tryouts for the 2009-2010 AU Cheer and Dance Teams will take place on the following dates/times:
Friday, August 28th from 6:00-8:00pm in Bender Arena
Saturday, August 29th from 10:00am-1:00pm (cheerleading in the wrestling room, and dance in Jacobs Fitness Center studio)
Sunday, August 30th from 12:00-3:00pm in Bender Arena
In order to be considered for the teams, interested cheerleaders and dancers must be present for ALL tryout dates.
Please note that both cheer and dance teams are nationally competitive. Experience with cheer and/or dance is a requirement for attending tryouts.
For more information about tryouts and to register, email spirit@american.edu.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Starting off the 2009-2010 Season!
We can't dwell on the past though, and are very much excited for our future 2009-2010 season! Today, we held one of our tryout sessions for the cheer and dance teams. As is usual, we had a very small tryout for both teams - mostly returning members - but we were happy to see those familiar faces back and ready for a new year. At the end of the day, we welcomed one new member to the AU Dance Team - welcome, Beth! - and welcomed back a familiar cheerleader from two years ago, Devinne, as well as two new faces in Connor and Heather.
We would also like to send a huge congratulations to our newest team leadership! Kelsea is now the AU Cheerleading Captain, Jackie is our AUDT Captain, and Katie is the AUDT Co-Captain. They are all going to do an incredible job in leading these teams!
Our next step is to encourage new cheerleaders and dancers to audition for our teams in the fall (dates are still TBD) at the June and July New Student Orientation dates. We hope to welcome between five and seven dancers and between 10 and 12 cheerleaders. Any interested dancers or cheerleaders should contact spirit@american.edu with questions about fall tryouts.
Coming up in August, we'll be attending camp - Cheer will be going to NCA camp in Myrtle Beach, SC, and Dance will be going to UDA camp in Scranton, PA. Both teams are excited to start fresh, but in the meantime, we're going to enjoy the time off and chance to recouperate!
Thanks to everyone who stood behind us and believed in us ... we couldn't have done it without you. And especially, thank you, thank you, thank you to our teams for sticking with us, believing in us, and always impressing us. We love you!
Brett & Alex
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Good-bye, Daytona ...

Thursday, April 9, 2009
You Asked Us To Bring It ... We Did!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
We're Finally Here!
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Illusion of Effortlessness Requires a Great Effort Indeed - AUDT Senior, Melissa

We have worked incredibly hard and I am super stoked about our first trip to Nationals. Preparation will meet opportunity on Thursday afternoon in Daytona and all of the judges and fans will see us perform an awesome routine that we make look effortless. It is no secret that the illusion of effortlessness requires a great deal of effort, but only we know what that effort feels like. When we walk out onto the national’s stage, for the 2 minutes and 5 seconds we have the attention of the judges and the audience, only we will know how many push-ups, sprints, and toe touches with weights strapped to our ankles we have done. Only we will know how many weekends and spring break mornings we woke up at 6am to be at practice, or how many cookies and donuts we passed up. Only we will know how many times we heard the word “again” and how much strength it took to push through the pain of our bruised knees and sprained ankles and hurt toes and feet (and legs, and hips, and necks…). And when we kill it on the nationals stage only we will know what the satisfaction feels like to work so hard for something and have it all come together in the most perfect way.
I am so proud to say that I am part of a team with the most hardworking, dedicated, unwavering group of women I know. Those judges in Daytona better watch out because AUDT is bringing it.
As college comes to an end and I finish up my time at American University, I look forward to my future but know that I could have gone for another year or two on AUDT. No matter what I do in my life, whether it be working in the United States Senate (!), or living in a women’s commune in Venezuela, there will always be a special place in my heart for AUDT and the extraordinary women I danced with this year.
You all are the reason I get up in the morning. Thanks for rocking my world.
My First and Last :( Trip to Nationals 2009 - Christina, AUDT Captain

As a senior, I'm nervous to graduate and find a job (in case you live under a rock, stay there -- there aren't any jobs!) I'm optimistic though that my education from AU and my opportunities I have had while studying here will open many doors and keep me in DC atleast for awhile.
Closing thoughts....
The time I've spent devoting to dance, fundraising, games, and EVERY other aspect of AU Spirit has been more than worth it. I will always remember this amazing, wild, roller-coaster ride with nothing but smiles and happiness. I'm so lucky to have been here for it :-)

Good luck to GW Cheer and George at NCA. And to my entire AU Spirit Program... RIP IT, BRING IT, BE THE BEST! I love you all!!!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
It's all been worth it - AU Cheer Junior, Jacquelynn
After three years on the AU Cheerleading team I feel like I have been through enough to be able to come flat out and say – the road to NCA Nationals has not been easy. Dedicating 5 days a week (3 days of practice & 2 days of games) during my junior year of college has not been a simple task by any means. On top of my rigorous practice schedule I also take a full load of classes, intern at a web marketing agency, and work another part-time job at AU’s law school…yeah, I’m not sure what I was thinking taking on all of that either =]
But the reason why we all dedicate, plan, and sometimes stress about our packed calendars is for the overall satisfaction that cheerleading gives us. My cheer coach, Brett, always loves to repeat a story about his cheerleading career (yes, he’s only 30 and he’s already unaware of his repetitiveness = P ). He says that his best friends till today were those made on his college cheerleading teams—and I couldn’t agree more.
The time my team and I spend together are filled with countless memories. From cheering at the big bball games, to eventful car washes, to road trips to Infinity gym, and to rolling around in hysterics after a practice-uniform-wardrobe-malfunction, we have had a blast the last two semesters together. And although we have had our ups and downs, there is no denying the friendships we have made.
Cheerleading brings you together. We tumble together, jump together, dance, stunt, sweat (well, me mostly..), laugh, fall…and even though Jimmy Dugan says “There’s no crying in ‘cheerleading’”…we definitely have cried together haha! Because Cheerleading is the only sport where trust in each other is not an added bonus; it is a necessity. The trust we have in each other has kept us united as a team even when times are tough. And it is this trust in each other that will keep us working together until we step off that competition mat in Daytona.
All athletes love the rush of competition; it’s why we do what we do. The moment you to step out to perform your routine, the hours upon hours of physical pain and emotional weariness, dissipate from your mind and it’s all worth it…
Now that our moment in the lights is finally upon us I want to say it definitely has been worth it =] I can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow at our Friends & Family Event! It’s time to cheer on the cheerleaders and dancers!
AU Dance Team Sophomore = ), Francesca

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
One Week! - Cheerleading Junior, Kim

Six More Practices, Three Performances! - Dance Team Junior, Kristen
Everyone on this team has worked so hard to get to this point. This is where the 7 am practices will pay off, where dancing six hours a day through countless injuries, frustrations, and set-backs will only make us stronger, where everything that we’ve hoped for and worked towards is culminating. This close, it’s easy to see why we aren’t allowed to eat that donut (which I still want), why we go to the gym at ridiculous hours (even when it was closed), and why we spend Friday and Saturday nights in bed at 10 pm (when our friends and roommates don’t really understand).
I’m pretty sure the next week will go by very quickly. We all have a full course-load, part-time jobs, and lives that have to essentially be put on hold when we leave next week. I know I personally have one week to make up coursework for 18 credits worth of classes, re-schedule 5 students that I tutor twice a week, write substitute lesson plans at my part-time job, and of course practice, practice, practice! Everyone on the team has a similar story to this and I’m sure the next week will fly by because of it. We’re more than ready to get there- it will be a relief at this point to be able to focus 150% of our energy 24 hours a day on dancing this one routine, perfectly, one time. At this point, the competition is first and foremost on everyone’s mind.
Trust me, we’re pretty consumed by dance right now. Walking up the hill to school from my apartment I listen to our Nationals music, during breathing exercises in accounting I run the routine through my head, every chance I get in the gym I make sure that toe touch is just right or that arm placement is perfect. Before I go to bed at night

It’s been a little frustrating lately because everyone has their own injuries that we’ve been working against. We’ve had to put a lot more work into our bodies and make them do a lot more than they want to! I have a partially torn ligament in my right knee, and many of the other girls have chronic hip and knee problems that they are working with. The best thing we can remember is not to get frustrated or upset with each other, or ourselves, and to remember that we are a team through and through. How we react to our injuries or frustrations impacts everyone, and team morale is SO important to us. We’re working hard and we all know we can do it!
NDA Watch Out- American University Spirit is Coming!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friends & Family Showcase!

Sunday, March 29, 2009
"You told us to bring it...well here it is!" - AU Cheer Sophomore, Lauren
Looking ahead to next year, which is hard to do since nationals is really the only thing on all of our minds, I think we will be able to build our program even further. Nationals is only the start of what we are capable of doing and I’m excited to be sticking around for another two years to find out where AU Spirit is headed.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I've Got A Fever!! - AUDT Sophomore, Katie

It seems like yesterday that I sat with the five other AUDT vets in Daytona, Florida. Watching the incredible dancing, we sat in awe of the idea that we could quite possibly be dancing on that very same stage next year. We were hooked! We returned to AU thrilled for tryouts and determined to create a strong team dedicated to a common goal.
After spring tryouts, we added two new members to our team. In August, the eight of us attended a UDA camp to strengthen our skills and our team bond. After fall tryouts, we gained five more beautiful dancers, and the fun began. The thirteen of us have become inseparable.
We spend every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday preparing for nationals. With basketball games over, we’ve been able to focus solely on our routine, dedicating every second of our time, in and out of practice, to reviewing and perfecting the routine as well as working out, watching our diet, and getting plenty of sleep to keep up with our intense schedule. But it’s all been worth it! With the help and guidance of our fabulous coach Alex, we are getting closer and closer to reaching our goal.

With the end in sight, I couldn’t be more proud of this team. I feel truly honored to be a part of this wonderful experience. We’ve come so far, worked so hard, and already accomplished so much over the past two years—it’s truly incredible.
Congratulations DT … It’s dance time!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Daytona Dream- AU Cheer Freshman, Lindsay
It feels like time has gone so fast! It is hard for me to even imagine that two weeks from today I will be in Daytona Beach, Florida preparing to compete in my first college cheerleading nationals. It didn’t hit me until last Sunday's practice when my coach, Brett, said that in one week we would perform the routine for all of our friends and family and that in almost two weeks we would be in Daytona. At that moment I realized that everything have worked towards for the past year is coming to a close.

When I am in Daytona it will be almost a year to the day since I was at spring tryouts. Coming in as a senior in high school was daunting. I still remember the drive down from New York with my parents and leaving them in Bender Arena after they signed me in since I was only 17. The idea that competing was their top goal did not make the nerves much better but did heighten my excitement once I made the team.
Everyone who tried out in spring went to the UCA/UDA camp the first week in April. We bonded so much as a team but those were probably the hardest four days of my life not only physically, but also mentally. Our bodies ached, frustration boiled and tears flowed all throughout that trip but we worked hard and most of all stuck together. It is that mentality that has stuck with us ever since. Now I can look back on that week and see just how far we have come!
American is such an amazing place but the AU Sprit program is without a doubt my favorite part of college. I can’t even imagine, and honestly don’t even want to think of, what my life would be without cheer. Coming to my first day of college and already knowing so many freshman and upperclassman made the transition so much easier. These girls are my some of my best friends and it makes living away from home for the first time much easier when you know that there is always someone there for you. For the past eight months we have been in school all of the girls in this program have worked so hard to get to where we are today.

It was also exciting for us that for the second time in a row our men’s basketball team made it to the NCAA tournament in Philadelphia! I was so proud to be one of the twelve cheerleaders on the sidelines! Entering the Wachovia Center for the first time was a moment I will remember for the rest of my life. There were so many people and I could even see some of my fellow cheerleaders and dancers in the sea of blue and red that made up our crowd. It was such an amazing battle against Villanova and, although we did not win, we certainly ended our season with a bang!
Both the cheer and dance teams have worked so hard all year. However with out the help of Alex, Brett, family and friends there is no way that going to Nationals would even be possible. They have all made sure that we were ready for the 2:19 minute routine to show everyone what we can do. This was the best freshman year I could have dreamed of and I can’t wait to continue next year.
Wish us luck in Daytona!