We have worked incredibly hard and I am super stoked about our first trip to Nationals. Preparation will meet opportunity on Thursday afternoon in Daytona and all of the judges and fans will see us perform an awesome routine that we make look effortless. It is no secret that the illusion of effortlessness requires a great deal of effort, but only we know what that effort feels like. When we walk out onto the national’s stage, for the 2 minutes and 5 seconds we have the attention of the judges and the audience, only we will know how many push-ups, sprints, and toe touches with weights strapped to our ankles we have done. Only we will know how many weekends and spring break mornings we woke up at 6am to be at practice, or how many cookies and donuts we passed up. Only we will know how many times we heard the word “again” and how much strength it took to push through the pain of our bruised knees and sprained ankles and hurt toes and feet (and legs, and hips, and necks…). And when we kill it on the nationals stage only we will know what the satisfaction feels like to work so hard for something and have it all come together in the most perfect way.
I am so proud to say that I am part of a team with the most hardworking, dedicated, unwavering group of women I know. Those judges in Daytona better watch out because AUDT is bringing it.
As college comes to an end and I finish up my time at American University, I look forward to my future but know that I could have gone for another year or two on AUDT. No matter what I do in my life, whether it be working in the United States Senate (!), or living in a women’s commune in Venezuela, there will always be a special place in my heart for AUDT and the extraordinary women I danced with this year.
You all are the reason I get up in the morning. Thanks for rocking my world.
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