Thursday, November 18, 2010
Men's Game - November 17th
Our DT did a great job with their performance too! Check it out:
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
DT DOES MEN'S HOME OPENER! -Dance Freshman, Becca
This past Friday we performed at the Men's Basketball Team Home Opener, doing a routine choreographed by our own captains, Francesca and Lyndsey, and alumna, Jackie. What a great experience! The arena was packed, the crowd was pumped, and the basketball team played hard and won. It was such a great feeling to be out on the court cheering on the team, and to hear the crowd roar when they stole the ball or scored. When it came time to perform we were buzzing with nerves and excitement, but we took the floor like it was our job. At the end of the game, we lined up and said goodbye to the children that had come for elementary school night, and even took pictures with them! Overall, it was a fantastic night and I cannot wait for the rest of the season.
Keep whippin yo hair:)

Thursday, November 11, 2010
My First American Madness- AU Cheer Junior, Dianne
As a transfer student, I thought of cheerleading as a way to meet people and feel out AU, I didn't expect to develop such a close relationship with the people on the team but I did and I couldn't be happier. American Madness was a learning experience and a lot of fun. I can't wait to see what the rest of the season is going to be like, especially NATIONALS
Love you all :)

American Madness 2010
We had some help from some of the Men's Basketball team too!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
A Month of Madness; My First Perfomance! AUDT Freshman, Alexandra

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
From the Beijing Olympic Village - Cheer Junior, Clay
As I'm studying abroad in China for this semester (Don't tell the CCP that I'm doing this right now!)I realized how much I miss the team. I work out with the mindset that I need to stay fit to come back to cheer and ready to kick butt at Nationals - last year was merely a practice run. We did a great job, but none of us knew what to expect in the division we competed in. And now it's time for American Madness.
It's a night where those who come out to get free food and tshirts and to support the basketball teams get something they don't expect - Cheer and dance routines. It's not even 3 minutes of a routine, but it makes an impression on all who see it. They see flips, they see girls in big pyramids, they see guys who aren't afraid to show off their skills, and they see a group of 30 people who keep a smile on their face even if a stunt goes awry.
But Cheer and Dance, things won't go awry if you don't let them. Go out there, don't stop, get it get it, and do it like y'all do it in your sleep.
See ya in a few months!
Good Luck at American Madness!!- Dance Junior Kelsey

Monday, November 8, 2010
We're Back!

Wednesday, November 10
from 7-8pm in Bender Arena
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tryout for the AU Cheer & Dance Teams!
You're in luck! The teams are hosting tryouts this weekend in Bender Arena!
Saturday, August 28th: 10AM - 1PM
Sunday, August 29th: 11AM - 2PM
Prospective dancers and cheerleaders must attend both sessions in order to be considered for the teams. If you make the team, you will also be expected to return for a team meeting at 4pm on August 29.
Saturday will be a clinic day where you will meet vets in the program and have the opportunity to learn/brush up on some of the skills on which you will be evaluated on Sunday.
Remember that this is a college tryout, so it's important that you look professional. Wear clothes that are comfortable to cheer or dance in, but please make sure you look neat and presentable for the judges.
For more information on what skills will be evaluated, please contact cheer coach, Nate Wambold, or dance coach, Alexandra Salama, at
See you at tryouts!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
My Last Year Dancing at Nationals

Well, we're about to be Daytona-bound. American University Cheer and Dance leave D.C. in 48 hours from now! Although we're all itching with anticipation, and only have one practice left in D.C. to prep for Nationals, it's hard to ever feel "ready." Yet, the thing that we need to remind ourselves is exactly what we're getting "ready" for: we've been preparing a great routine, and we are now "ready" to do it the best that WE CAN. Who cares how high that stranger's toe-touch is? So what if that random girl can do a quad? We've worked HARD. We've MADE ourselves better, we've FOUGHT to get where we are, we've IMPROVED, we've given it our ALL, and it wasn't easy.
From looking frazzled in our fouette sequence, to achieving picture-perfect timing, DT 09-10 has come a long way. We've come even farther since I joined the team back in Fall of 2007, when the team was still a year away from competing on the Nationals stage. The incredible part about experiencing each season is seeing the growth on the team as a whole and within each of us as individuals. We progress as dancers, mastering things we never even thought of attempting. I am so proud to have learned all that I did on this team, and thankful that my coach took the time to really teach me. On Dance Team, we become stronger people, pushing through the breathlessness, muscle fatigue, soreness, bruises, bad turns, tendinitis, sprains, stomachaches, homesickness, papers, midterms, and jobs of the day to end on a good note as we have our cool-down and realize that it IS a great day to be alive and an even better day to dance with your best friends under a coach who cares.
In all this, we grow closer to one another to an unbelievable degree. We've helped each other to get this far, and more importantly, our coach has helped us each step of the way. She has instilled in every one of us not only the desire to be great, but the belief that we can be, and the pathway towards reaching that greatness.
After countless practices, both good and bad, DT is poised for its grand finale. Remember, readiness does not entail ease. Rather, our team is ready because we are willing to fight through the hard spots, and we know how to make it all the way to the end of a stunning performance. We are ready because all of our hard work has always been set against the backdrop of a deep love for what we are doing and for who we are doing it with. >We're ready, and we can't wait to use our technique, flexibility, cleanliness, determination, energy, desire, and close bond to harness our adrenaline, conquer our nerves, and take over the dance floor, together, up on that Nationals stage.
My time on this team has made me the person that I am today. It has helped me to fight through all the tough spots that come my way, and it has given me a second family that I would do anything for. These girls have rocked my soul, and it's heartbreaking to think of them competing at Nationals without me next year. One thing, however, makes me smile, and that's knowing that I'll be at the bottom of that stage next year, cheering on my strong, beautiful, talented best friends, forever reppin AUDT. For the mean time, let's go get it girls. DT on 3! =)
<3 always,
Francesca Roley
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Make it Work--AU Cheer Junior (Co-Captain) Lauren

Sunday's performance was the beginning of the home stretch of our season and no matter how much our body's hate us, we are ready to work for the next 8 days up until that last second we are on that big blue mat in Daytona. Not only are we ready but we want it. We are at that point where determination and confidence are getting us through the long practices and minor injuries. Confidence is one thing that this years team has a lot of. We have faith in our routine and each other which has created a dynamic that has broug ht us far in the course of a year...from an intermediate division to division 1. AU Cheer always wants to do the more dangerous skill, the more difficult basket, and the cooler stunt and we often surprise ourselves with the result. Even with nationals so close we want to go for more (back tuck 2-2-1 pleaseeee).
Even though Friends and Family gave us the confidence boost that we needed, it still couldn't prepare us for the week ahead where we are forced to rework the routine, change our pyramids, change our stunts, and deal with missing an essential member of our team. Injuries happen though and if there's any team that can roll with the punches it's AU Cheer. Despite the frustration we know what we have to do and we will make it work and that is something that I am confident about. Lets get her done my little SB's!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Moving Forward, Looking Back - AUDT Senior (Captain) Jackie
It seems like yesterday, I walked into Bender Arena for the first time, anxious about dance team tryouts and the experiences which lay ahead as a freshman beginning a new life away from the comforts of home. Little did I know that the girls who surrounded me would soon become my sisters, and the team, which I assumed would serve as a fun extra-curricular, would come to be a central part of my life. Looking back over the past three years is somewhat overwhelming. It has become impossible to imagine what my life here at AU would have been like if I did not join the dance team. I am sure there are experiences I have missed out on due to the rigorous practice schedule, fundraising, and games. However, the amount of effort required to be a part of the Spirit Program seems minute when compared to the rewards I have recieved in return and I would not change a thing.
I have made the best friends of my life, who I know will remain close to me even after our time here is complete. They continue to amaze me both as athletes, students, and individuals. I am so proud of each of you and cannot wait to see the amazing things you each do with your lives. I have had the honor of being part of a program of passionate and dedicated people, working to improve and move forward regardless of the obstacles and difficulties which inevitably arise. The progress which has been made over the past three years is truely remarkable, and it is this journey of which I am most proud. I feel blessed to say that I was a part of it. I have grown both as a person and as a dancer as a direct result of this team. The lessons which it has taught me will remain with me throughout my life. I thank everyone involved, especially Alex, for having faith in me and my abilities, and for providing me with the best college experience I could have possibly hoped for. The team this year has come so far and I am so proud of the progress we have made. I cannot wait to show everyone just what we are capable of next week in Daytona.
I can only hope that the girls who join this team in the future are lucky enough to walk away with the same tremendous memories and experiences that being a part of AU Spirit has given me. As I take the National's stage one last time, I know that the thoughts and emotions I experience will be a mix of sadness, pride, and excitement. Moving past this phase of my life is difficult, but I know that I will never really leave DT. The memories and friends will last forever, and AU Spirit's journey is only just beginning.
I love you all so much.
Nationals here we come.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
For the Love of Dance -- AUDT Junior (Co-Captain) Katie
In less than two weeks, however, the real test arrives. Today’s performance was important to each of us, but our work has been culminating towards another goal—dancing our best on the nationals’ stage. Our goal is alive in our dreams, it is written on our coach’s face, and it is the reason we push ourselves harder than we ever thought possible. We want to step onto that stage in Daytona and show the judges what AUDT is made of and just how much we want this. And trust me, we want this! It may only be our second year competing nationally, but we have grown and improved so much this year. With the unwavering support of our coach Alex and the passion each of us holds, I know our performance in Daytona will showcase how far we’ve come. And I couldn’t be more proud.
But no matter what happens on that stage, our team is a team forever. I really think that is what makes us so special. AUDT is not simply made up of talented dancers who work towards a common goal. This team is a family. We are there for each other through thick and thin. We believe in one another and encourage each other’s dreams. Our love for dance brought us together. Our love for each other will keep us together. The bond we share is everlasting.
I am honored to be a part of this team and this experience. Thank you all for making my life happier and fuller. Hold our memories close to your heart and know that no matter what happens, we will always have each other and we will always have this team.
Get it DT! It’s our time! I love you all!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Take Over the Dance Floor - AUDT Sophomore, Kelsey P.

The past couple weeks have been full of practices, early mornings, conditioning, injuries, some blood, a lot of sweat, and even some tears. Since spring break we have averaged about seven , long practices each week to make our routines perfect for our Friends and Family performance that is happening in Bender Arena this Sunday, March 28th, at 3pm.
The Friends and Family performance is one that is very important to us. While we are so excited to go down to Daytona and show the cheer and dance worlds how hard we've worked and how talented we are, there is something special about performing for the people you love. We are all looking forward to showing our routines to our families, our friends, and the AU community. This is our one chance to show off what we do after basketball season. It will mean so much to all of us to have all of our loved ones in Bender Arena and perform for our fans!
Last year, I described the amazing camaraderie between the cheer and dance teams. This year, we have continued to grow together, sweat together, fundraise together, support each other. The bond between the cheer and dance teams this year has become closer and closer. There are no other people in the world I would choose to have on my team. I am proud to call the members of both AU Dance and AU Cheer my teammates. We are each others biggest cheerleaders :)
We have worked so hard on our nationals routines and I know that we are going to kill it on Sunday. Put it on your calender and plan to be there- Bender Arena 3pm on Sunday.
Get ready to be impressed and see us take over the dance (and cheer!) floor!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Daytona Here We Come! - AU Dance Team Freshman, Kelsey Y. :)

Monday, March 15, 2010
Destination: Nationals - AU Cheer Junior, Clay aka Panda
I have been a part of big competitions before: Wrestling Finals, Football Championships, Baseball Championship games, intramural volleyball finals, softball finals. But never before have I been a part of such a highly team-oriented organization. Sure, football and baseball and the like have teamwork - but there is always backup. Cheerleading, as I have found out, is the pinnacle of teamwork. If one person goofs on a pyramid (those cool flashy things we do on the court that consist of human on top of other humans), the whole thing can come crashing down. There isn't someone who can switch spots quickly to save it from falling. Boom. The pyramid is done and the entire team is made to look foolish and inept.
Now, cheerleading was one of the last things I expected to do in college - having looked at a number colleges to play football for or be an athletic trainer. But I saw an opportunity to keep in shape, make some friends, and be a member of a team after a lifetime of being active in sports. I thought it to be sort of a joke: "Hey, I'll throw some girls around and kill some spare time." I come to find out that in preparation for Nationals, we work just as hard physically, mentally, and emotionally as any other team out there.
We are not rewarded by the school we represent like the official sports. We don't get free jerseys or shorts or cool backpacks. We do what we do for a number of reasons: a challenge, a passion, a group to belong to, boredom. From 9 - 15 hours a week we are in Bender Arena practicing our tumbling (those cool flips and stuff), stunts, baskets, etc. Many of us can be found in Jacobs Fitness Center improving our strength and cardio many hours a week. Many of us can also be found at Infinity, a gym in Virginia were we can improve our tumbling skills. I even took advantage of Winter Break and a local gym and coach (PrimeTime Tumbling) where I learned to do a back handspring. Yes people, a 250lb man can do those cool flips too - just call me Panda (like Po from Kung-Fu Panda). And we pay out of pocket and fund raising for our supplies and for Nationals.
Sure, I'm a newcomer. But I never settle for less. With hard work and determination one can achieve anything they want. Fractured and severely sprained ankles, black eyes, football injuries re-agitated by holding girls up, strained wrists don't interfere. We all hurt, but we all show up to practice and give it our all. We want to win. We want to be the best we can be.
Now I don't expect to go into Nationals and come out with the Championship, but I do expect to force their eyes open (and something Bronze or Silver would be awesome). Our pain, blood, suffering, sweat, deprived social lives, and empty pockets will pay off.
American Who? American U.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Nationals 2010 - AU Dance Sophomore, Hannah
Last year was AU Dance and Cheer’s first trip down to Nationals, and I cannot wait to go down again and show Daytona what AU Spirit is made of: energy building diets, two-a-day practices, sore quads and hamstrings, and lots of dedication. While we tried our hardest in 2009, it was our first national’s season. We had no idea what to expect or how difficult it was going to be, but we made it through and held our head high.
Now with a year under our belt we are ready for Daytona. We’ve already started working on improving our stamina and have begun our two-a-days with a new energy. Most importantly, however, we are looking forward to the moment that we walk on to that stage, face those judges, and show them our perfected routine. Because this time, more than ever, more than last year, we will be confident that we will be the best we possibly can be.
As Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” And how right he was! After having already competed in NDA Nationals in 2009, we will be returning to Daytona this year with the experience and confidence needed to wow the judges. There will be no fear of the unknown, no aspect of the competition that we are unsure of. And hopefully, the only fear that we have will be the fear that drives us to perform the best that we can.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Nationals 2010 - AU Cheer Junior, Chenise
The AU Spirit Program has come a long way since last year. The AU Cheer squad went from competing in the All-Girl Intermediate Level to Division 1 Co-Ed. We began our season at the beginning of August and continued to strengthen our skills throughout the year. Last year, we started off struggling with extensions and libs. Now, our routine consists of back tuck basket tosses, rewinds, 360s, & two and a half high pyramids. Our squad went from having about 6 strong tumblers to more than half the squad pulling back handsprings. Cheerleading is a team sport. We can’t do the routine full out if one person is injured or sick. We need each other, which made our team grow into a big family. We help each other out, inside and outside of practice. It is this support that will allow us to thrive at Nationals.
Both teams have developed more technique and skill to create a more advanced routine. Now that we know what to expect at Nationals, we have higher expectations for ourselves. We are prepared to show the judges how we have grown as a program and how we are only getting stronger as a team. When we compete in Daytona next month, we are going to give it our all.
Friday, February 26, 2010
National Girls and Women in Sports Day - AU Cheer Sophomore, Amber
On February 13, 2010, Bender Arena held the National Girls and Women in Sports Day. The gym was filled with men, women, and their children all wearing pink shirts with the AU logo to show their support for breast cancer awareness and our women’s basketball team. Many young girls were in attendance for the event – young athletes, girl scouts, and sports fans. It was great to see so many future athletes fill the arena as we performed. After the game all the young girls were broken up into groups and rotated around the gym to different stations where all of the different AU women’s sports teams described to the girls what they do. These lessons included teaching them a few skills needed to play their sport to promote the girls’ interest in the various sports. Starting out young in sports helps to promote team camaraderie, healthy lifestyles, independent growth, and keeps them involved and away from dangerous situations. American University, being a predominately female school, is and continues to be a great example for younger generations of girls who are faced with tough decisions everyday. More and more women are coming to the forefront in the sports world, which helps the younger generations keep motivated and striving to be the best that they can be in any career that they choose. GO EAGLES!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Curious About How We Qualified for NCA & NDA Nationals?
AU Dance Team Nationals Entry Tape
Sunday, January 24, 2010
AU "Phil"led Bender!
Here's the AU Fight Song performed on center court after our guys won. Awesome game! If you couldn't make it out, check the AU Basketball schedule for upcoming Men's and Women's home games.
Friday, January 22, 2010
COME PHIL BENDER, Saturday @ 2pm!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Here We Go!
85 days and counting ... :)

A Little Bit About Our Team - AU Cheer Freshman, Connor
Cheerleading is one of those sports where it isn’t about an individual, but rather the team. With that in mind, let me tell you about our team. We come from all different parts of the country, north, south, west, we’ve got it all. Everyone has their own accent. Each their own style. However, despite being so different in these aspects, we are one. We feel the same frustration when stunts don’t hit. We feel the same elation when new, more complicated, stunts do. We feel the same excitement when someone learns a new tumbling move. We make sacrifices for each other, for our school. We encourage each other to do better, and we are there to support each other through hard times. The only spotlight we seek is one big enough for the entire team.
The first semester was a time of experimentation, a time to see what we were capable of. Now in the second semester, it's time to apply ourselves and prepare for nationals. Already, the team is showing great promise and dedication. New skills are appearing left and right. New tumbling, new stunts, improvements on existing abilities, the list goes on. In addition to all this, and most importantly, our friendship and bond as a team grows and becomes stronger with each practice and game. The coming months will be rough, but we are prepared to endure them together.
We all know what is required of us for nationals this year at Daytona. Some feel excitement, others nervousness, but undoubtedly everyone feels an anxiety and drive to put on one hell of a performance.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Nationals Season...Here We Come! AUDT Freshman, Lyndsey Grubbs
DT did some oh-so serious fundraising for Nationals over the past three days. We, along with the cheerleaders, set up and tore down an entire cheerleading competition AND hosted a dance competition. Meanwhile we managed to dance at a basketball game, go cheer on GW’s dance team, and have practice! Needless to say…by the end of the weekend, we were all exhausted.
Exhausted or not, I can’t imagine a group of girls that I would rather spend nearly all of my awake hours with. The team is filled with some of the most hard-working, dedicated, welcoming, and downright hilarious people I have ever known. After last semester, I can confidently say that joining this dance team is the best thing I could have done as a freshman at AU.
With that said, first semester is over and Nationals are coming up quicker than I could have ever imagined. From what I hear, I will be spending the majority of my time between now and then doing lots of push ups, sit ups, toe touches, and two-a-days. Basically, just a whole lot of sweating.
In the end though, dance team can sweat on a beach in Daytona, Florida!! Nationals will be amazing, and I know we will do a phenomenal job. I’ve heard so much about last year’s national season, and I am so excited to get to be a part of this year’s team. So bring on the hard work…DT can handle it.
Can’t wait for it all. Love you DT.