This Nationals season had a slightly different start for me and two other teammates. Hannah, Kelsey and I spent last semester abroad in different corners of the globe. Although we did as much as we could from Jordan, Rome, and Chile to stay in shape while we were away, no other workout is the same as dancing. Not only are we back into dancing full swing, getting ourselves as prepared as possible for NDA Nationals. Not only is it nice to be dancing, it is so much easier to motivate yourself when you see that your 11 other teammates are all pushing themselves just as hard, working towards a common goal.
I had the time of my life in South America, but every time a song we had danced to in a routine played, I started to get a little teary (and inevitably danced like a fool, no matter where I was at the time). Spending 8 months away from any sort of dance floor and your inspiring teammates really makes you evaluate how much you love dancing and your dance team. Having been trained in a more concert dance company based environment, I was totally unprepared to be a member of any sort of team when I came on as a freshman. But I showed up for try-outs and ended up joining the team before I had even taken a single class at American University. Being on this team has shaped my college experience and changed me as a person. Now that basketball season is officially over and we’re on the brink of the biggest event of our season, the somewhat familiar nerves, anxiety, and excitement of nationals season have firmly planted themselves in my stomach, and all that I can do is push myself and encourage my teammates. I love

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